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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2019

Cat puns freak meowt shirt

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Shes always laying on my tummy and Cat puns freak meowt shirt around cats and dogs since the day I was born. I’ve been riding horses since before I could walk. I’ve never ever once had a problem with it. I had a cat that was the same age as me, we grew up together and she was my best friend for as long as I can remember. Grow a pair of balls and just watch your kids and teach them to be gentle. Trust me it’s not that hard. See more:  Cat puns freak meowt shirt

Bear camping go outside worst case scenario a bear kills you shirt

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A documentary was done on them and how they live with their bear. Even if this is a declawed, toothless pet this is not a good thing to advertise- some kid might see this who does not know it and might think it is okay to go hug a bear on his next camping trip. This is cute but if the bear suddenly became spooked or felt threatened it could do so much damage. It could kill them. Then they’d blame the bear cause humans are perfect and it’s never our fault. Laura Serrano looks the Russians are camping. See more:  Bear camping go outside worst case scenario a bear kills you shirt

My nickname is mom but my full name is mom mom mom mom mom shirt

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This is all fun and games until mom gets home and has to scrub duct tape residue off of everything. Duck tape it holds everything together and makes lasting memories! Really though, cute little girl, awesome dad, and a lesson that she can do and be anyone she wants! Climb on the little one! This should be made into a duct tape commercial. Duct tape holding it down for your little champion. I love that. My dad and mom let my brother sister and myself be kids. See more:  My nickname is mom but my full name is mom mom mom mom mom shirt

Bald headed hoe shit shirt

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Dear person reading this, Bald headed hoe shit shirt or Official Bald headed hoe shit shirt your day has been going well if not, I hope it gets better You are an amazing person who will inspire others to do great things so keep up the hard work. Heading for a few games of pool and pints if you fancy it. Don’t worry about a cue, I’m bringing Anto. I can see you’ve been tagged in this but the comment is lost, I just wanted to put my two cents in and say to Jimmy that unfortunately there’s no pool room on the planet wide enough to lay Mike sideways in order to do this.  See more:  Bald headed hoe shit shirt

Team Smith lifetime member shirt

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But if an old man were doing this Team Smith lifetime member shirt or Official team Smith lifetime member shirt accused of sexual harassment and be labeled a predator. I love this grandma. Time to train my grandma like this. Then I tried. My grandma trolled me Instead. No offense but I feel like this grandma is basically selling herself to social media or outselling her self better said giving up any dignity for little fame and money.  See more:  Team Smith lifetime member shirt

Hippie lifestyle she is life itself wild and free wonderfully chaotic a perfectly put together mess shirt

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Sorry. His wife is not a hippy. We don’t let disposable diapers anywhere near our babies. For all those saying hippies don’t use disposable diapers: you can buy expensive, biodegradable, organic disposable diapers. They look like brown paper bags. They are jokes he’s telling people not taking a polygraph test , just listen and laugh he’s hilarious. Everyone talking about diapers Hippie lifestyle she is life itself wild and free shirt. Awesome material I was dying laughing. If you don’t laugh check your pulse you are dead. See more:  Hippie lifestyle she is life itself wild and free wonderfully chaotic a perfectly put together mess shirt

Elephant and she loved a little boy very very much even more than she loved herself shirt

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Elephants are so gentle, loving, nurturing and intelligent. So intelligent loving and caring they deserve our respect at the highest. Wonderful animals and family orientated. Humans please note! Went there three years ago, no one is allowed to ride the elephants. Really great place. I think they’re all rescues, and they’ve found out that a new rescue in the pen equals a new family member. It’s likely how they all started out. How did Elephant and she loved a little boy very very much even more than she loved herself. See more:  Elephant and she loved a little boy very very much even more than she loved herself shirt

I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was beer shirt

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A properly poured I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was beer shirt, giving you the full experience of the beer. That said, cheap beer doesn’t hold a head very well! So, yes, the original beer was full. No, the difference is not huge, but neither is the price difference. Beer is served in pints here so it doesn’t matter how tall or small the glass is. Don’t be ridiculous. The big beer wasn’t full to the brim, but he poured it up to the brim of the smaller glass. See more:  I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was beer shirt

Glad to be out I was running out of womb shirt

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I wouldn’t have thought he would Glad to be out I was running out of womb shirt he could hold on. Thank you so much for saving this kitty. I’m so glad she hung onto the rope! Hugs to the rescuer. To the hero who saved the Kitty. Thank you. That made me very happy to see that. God bless this kitty! Thanks to the rescuers. I am thinking positive thoughts that they somehow helped the kitty get taken care of at least by a rescue organization. Bless this person that rescued this kitten I hope he took home the kitten. Wow! See more:  Glad to be out I was running out of womb shirt

A fun thing to do in the morning is not talk to me shirt

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Beautiful prayer but at the A fun thing to do in the morning is not talk to me shirt or A fun thing to do in the morning shirt name amen, because the only way the father hears you is through his holy sons name. And God with a capitalG, is speaking of the father in heaven. God with a lowercase g is speaking of the father of this earth which is satan. Everyone should make sure that when they speak of God the father in heaven to make sure that it’s capitalized. Thank you Jesus for the gift of life. See more:  A fun thing to do in the morning is not talk to me shirt

Hair up scrubs on time to study nursing student life shirt

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I’m sorry but if anybody tried to do either of these looks on my head I’d be suing. Small claims court. I’m getting my money back and then extra money for the embarrassment of having to walk around looking like that. Well in Africa different hairstyles are used amongst the royal to show the different status. Also different tribes use certain styles it’s a part of traditional. Like I cant believe the ignorance.  What you don’t understand about these braids is that Hair up scrubs on time to study Nursin9 student life shirt. See more:  Hair up scrubs on time to study nursing student life shirt

If you haven’t risked coming home under a flag don’t you dare disrespect it shirt

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The fact that he stopped and did something was important thing. The best part about this was that no one was watching he did it without making a video or taking a selfie. Now the news has opened this guy up to, among other things, ridicule that he doesn’t deserve and fame that he wasn’t necessarily seeking. Just a guy quietly living his convictions. The best of a person is seen when nobody is watching. What you do when you are alone is the real you. This is a gentleman who knows respect and priorities. Thank you Marine! I salute you! Go safely, your reward is sure. Once a Marine always a Marine. See more:  If you haven’t risked coming home under a flag don’t you dare disrespect it shirt

Being a Gigi doesn’t make me old it makes me Blessed shirt

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Meanwhile, the beauty industry continues to roll on, like a huge mammoth, pandering to people whose lives seem to be centred around their appearance receiving as much approval as possible from others who are also prepared to live that lifestyle, false eyelashes the longer, the better, even if you can’t see property, eyebrows like overfed slugs, the bigger, the better, botox everything, it’s the norm, don’t worry about your strange appearance in your forties when you can’t smile or even raise your eyebrows. See more:  Being a Gigi doesn’t make me old it makes me Blessed shirt

Happy birthday Dr. Seuss books shirt

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I feel like I’m failing at bed time stories Happy birthday Dr. Seuss books you’re never too old too wacky too wild to pick up a book and read to a child shirt or Happy birthday Dr. Seuss shirt. Let me point out the real problem with this. It’s not that’s she’s married to this horrendous man who is now president. Or the fact that she has a really heavy accent and is hard to understand. It’s the simple fact that she should have shown the pictures to these poor kids while she was reading. Why all the haters? See more:  Happy birthday Dr. Seuss books shirt

Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old it makes me Blessed shirt

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For whatever reason lots of people Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old it makes me Blessed shirt or Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old shirt too talented for his own good. Am I the only one super impressed that she just played the piano standing in heels and basically on one foot. That was cooll James can sing better than plenty actual singers at the grammys. James can really really sing. Beautiful parody. Really enjoyed it and love alicia keys. She will be awesome as host.  Buy it here:  Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old it makes me Blessed shirt

Count Von Count today’s number is zero zero kids are listening to me shirt

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He is getting old and struggles with what used to be normal but when he purrs all is right with the world. He said he was no good at school and no good at sports, so why did he even Count Von Count? Wow. He struggled with alcohol and his marriage failed until someone said he mattered to them. That was all it took. For someone to say he mattered. Words are powerful. Just think what that principal could have done that day with his words instead. Really makes you think. Everyone matters and has a story and we should not just pass them by and write them off. Buy it here:  Count Von Count today’s number is zero zero kids are listening to me shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Bird just poop on it shirt

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Bird be careful these words reach far and wide, or even simply to the single one who needs to hear it and feel the ripple effects of deep love, fully present, attention. Listening, leaning in, loving the precious ones in front of me. So much love to you. Bird got up and wrote it down in some small way today to someone. I love that you mentioned even simply the single one who needs to hear it. Buy it here:  Bird just poop on it shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

She’s black she’s a queen she’s a nurse she’s living her best life shirt

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We get so busy taking care of others, loving them, being there for them, that we tend to forget about living her best life. Sometimes all we have is yourself and it is okay to step back for a moment and love yourself. Because it had no lid, the soda spilled when he set it down. The look of distress filled his eyes and his face became flushed. I grabbed my napkin and was just about to say it was okay, but my child beat me to the punch. And my child’s response was far better than what I was planning to say. Buy it here:  She’s black she’s a queen she’s a nurse she’s living her best life shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Easily distracted by dogs and big veins shirt

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Now we both feel better about life. Today I will laugh in pieces too, hoping my joy falls at the feet of someone needing a lift. What a powerful force for good you are in the world. Let’s spread pieces of joy today, starting with the ones closest to us and working our way out. I am grateful for you. I pray for new experiences like this for my boy. He gets hurt sometimes by things a trusted friend might say or do and I hurt too. But we live in a small town. So I will continue to pray. Buy it here:  Easily distracted by dogs and big veins shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Beauty and the beast Basketball beauty shirt

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 We need more Noticers. We need more people who will take time to sprinkle cinnamon and tell stories and notice when things taste better. This book has changed me and Basketball beauty for the best! I am so blessed to be turning into a hands-free mom! Last night my son gets on skype with a buzzed haircut when he has adored his long locks for the last 3 years. It was his way to show his uniqueness. I was not a big fan but something he liked at Basketball beauty. But dad has a buzz haircut so I question why the sudden change of heart. Buy it here:  Beauty and the beast Basketball beauty shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

MAGA make Alexandria go away shirt

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 I’ve been thinking about MAGA make Alexandria. You do so much good for so many, & you’ve brought so much perspective & light into my life, especially. I don’t normally comment on this kind of thing, I usually just read it, soak it up and enjoy the positive impact it has on me and my family. However, I feel compelled to tell you how enlightening your little snippets of inspiration are to me. Not just this one right now but all of them. Buy it here:  MAGA make Alexandria go away shirt Home:  https://t-shirtat.com/

Bear camping I eat people sunset retro shirt

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If you want to email me, I will make sure to send you the registration link as soon as it is life! I am delighted they are having me back! I am bringing Avery with me! She would love to sign your book! People don’t have to understand, but let people be who they are and feel what they feel. Thank you for sharing. My mom passed away suddenly when I went back to work I kept telling what had happened over and over. I think it was my way of making sense of it all. See more:  Bear camping I eat people sunset retro shirt

Just a girl who loves chickens shirt

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The hard thing is when people’s emotions are expressed via anger and hurtful comments because then you do need to distance yourself because we feel it all. Irony is if I could be tough enough to handle it then likely I wouldn’t be someone who’d be so compelled to help in the first place. I get told often that I am too sensitive. I never thought of that being a reflection of the fact that the other person is the one who is too hurried or something else and so they just dismiss my emotions. See more:  Just a girl who loves chickens shirt

Sunflower blessed to be called Mimi shirt

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I almost started crying while reading this bc what Avery said was what I wanted my father to say and do for me during my medical trial a few years ago. Instead, I was forced to deal with it alone and made to feel shame for expressing my fear and pain. You are truly blessed to have a daughter like Avery. This post is timely for me. This Saturday is the traumaversary of the surgery that made me feel so alone and not seen. Even though my father didn’t respond the way he should have, God placed a stranger in my path who did just that. See more:  Sunflower blessed to be called Mimi shirt

Skeletor draw me like one of your French girls shirt

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My mom then recited as much as Skeletor draw me like one of your French girls shirt, and I tell her every day. When I compliment her, she won’t believe me. And it’s so sad to think she doesn’t see what I see. But every time she asks me, do I look okay? I say: When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change. Cause you’re amazing, just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile. Cause girl, you’re amazing, just the way you are.   See more:  Skeletor draw me like one of your French girls shirt

St. Patrick’s day you can find me in da pub shirt

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Together we are stronger than St. Patrick’s day you can find me in da pub shirt. I’ve decided to live out the rest of my days standing in the light of vulnerability and authenticity and I will embrace anyone who courageously meets me there. Because don’t we all, at some point or another, wonder if we are okay if we need changing if we belong? What might happen if we were to start looking for people in fragile periods of uncertainty times when they’re most open and hungry for words of acceptance and assurance? See more:  St. Patrick’s day you can find me in da pub shirt

Urban Meyer knows Ohio State 2012-2018 shirt

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For a moment, I thought I heard her wrong the young woman in the seat directly in front of me said something unexpected. The headlining band had just taken the stage, and the crowd was on their feet cheering wildly. Why would a stranger be apologizing to me? I wondered. Although I felt like crying, I placed my hand on this young woman’s upper arm. It was wet from a mixture of sweat and raindrops. I rested my hand there, on the arm of someone’s beautiful daughter, and said what I hoped would liberate her for at least a couple of hours. See more:  Urban Meyer knows Ohio State 2012-2018 shirt

Leprechaun luck off St Patrick’s day shirt

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Who knew how much fun I need Leprechaun luck off St Patrick’s day shirt because I deemed myself unworthy? I can’t say how many years it went on like that, but I can remember when I finally questioned it. My husband and I had recently moved to Florida, and I’d just given birth to my first daughter, Natalie. My newly retired parents soon followed so they could be near their grandchild. Not being from Florida, I was always sweating and feeling out of place there. But in the months following Natalie’s birth, my body was even more difficult to inhabit. See more:  Leprechaun luck off St Patrick’s day shirt

Monsters I wouldn’t have nothing shirt

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About who I am and what Monsters I wouldn’t have nothing shirt. Thank you for always, always, always speaking the truth- loudly- over the noise. I believe that there are Earth Angels who come to this earth school with special insights and the ability to share those insights with the world. And I know that you are one of them. Your insights and messages speak to our souls. I feel very blessed to receive them. This is everything to me. I am keeping your comment in my phone photos and will read it over and over on my dark days. See more:  Monsters I wouldn’t have nothing shirt

Luckiest autism mom on earth cancer shirt

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Oh if only I could have back the Luckiest autism mom on earth cancer shirt, wasted obsessing about what I looked like. I found a stack of work outs I’d saved for years. The goal in all of them was to acquire sexy abs, butt, legs, arms. Now that I’m in my forties, I have three requirements from my workouts. The energy, strength, and patience to care for my children. If I can give one gift to my daughter it will be to love her body for its strength and her heart for its kindness to others. See more:  Luckiest autism mom on earth cancer shirt

Kiss me I’m pretending to be Irish shirt

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Always heard how pretty I’d be Kiss me I’m pretending to be Irish shirt. I am always apologizing for being who I am. Feel like I’m imposing on others. A burden. I love your post, but it makes me so sad. All I want is to be happy. But all I feel towards myself is self-hate. I feel like I’m just waiting to die. I seem to connect with almost everything you write; your words are so powerful. Thank you for sharing your insights with us and for making such beautiful connections with others.   See more:  Kiss me I’m pretending to be Irish shirt